Suicidal Thoughts Can be Nickel Poisoning

Nickel is a toxic heavy metal and it mostly affects the brain and lungs. In the brain, nickel can lead to suicidal thoughts if the level is severe enough. Heart attacks, cancers, skin problems can also be attributed to high levels of nickel in the body. This can be remedied by following a complete mineral nutritional balancing program.


Nickel is an older, “male” mineral that affects all the organs of the body.  However, it seems to affect most the brain and the lungs.  The word male is used because nickel is more “yang” than many other minerals.  Yang in macrobiotics is more associated with maleness.

Nickel may be called the lung cancer mineral.  Nickel is found in cigarette smoke and getting too much of it can cause or contribute to lung cancer.


  • rooibos tea or red teas
  • metallic dental braces (very important)
  • cell phones that are metallic and touch the skin of the cheek.

  • possibly other dental wires besides braces
  • some dental crowns contain some nickel
  • possibly Breville and Sunbeam water boilers that use nickel-plated immersion heaters
  • hydrogenated vegetable oils
  • contaminated alcoholic beverages
  • margarines and imitation whip cream
  • commercial peanut butter
  • vegetable shortening
  • nickel-plated jewelry
  • kelp, if contaminated
  • possibly some unrefined grains and cereals
  • oysters and possibly other shellfish from contaminated waters
  • nickel plating on metallic objects
  • cigarette smoking
  • manufacture of steel
  • some batteries, machine parts, wire, and electrical parts
  • lifting steel weights or handling anything made of steel


  • Kidneys - nickel has a tendency to accumulate in the kidneys and damage the kidneys.
  • Hormone, lipid and membrane metabolism - some nickel compounds may have some physiological role related to these functions.
  • Cancer – nickel associated with development of lung cancer, specifically, in those exposed to nickel vapors.
  • Brain – nickel toxicity is definitely associated with negative feelings, including depression and, if exposure is severe enough, suicidal thoughts.  Nickel may also cause a person to be “attached” or abnormally dependent on others.  It may have this effect by weakening the body or brain in a particular way.


  • kidney dysfunction
  • heart attack
  • cancer, oral, intestinal and lung
  • skin problems
  • nausea, vomiting
  • hemorrhages
  • malaise
  • low blood pressure
  • muscle tremors, tetany and paralysis
  • depression, abnormal attachment to others, and suicidal thoughts


Iron is a nickel antagonist.  It competes with nickel for absorption.  Some nickel compounds may deplete B-complex vitamins.

Among natural chelators, vitamin C can chelate some nickel.  Distilled water can probably remove some, as well.  Many nutrients help antagonize or prevent the buildup of nickel.


  • Hair is excellent to assess nickel exposure.  This is because nickel is often excreted through the skin and hair.
  • Ideal hair mineral value.  As of 2015, we believe the ideal hair nickel level is probably between 0.015 and 0.019 mg%.  This is much lower than most mineral testing laboratories use as their ideal range.
  • Often a poor eliminator.  A hair nickel level below about 0.015 is likely to be a poor eliminator pattern.  This means that the body is having difficulty eliminating nickel.  Therefore, nickel is slowly building up inside the body, even though the hair level may be extremely low.  This is quite common.
  • Hidden nickel toxicity.  This is common.  One indicator is a poor eliminator pattern.  However, nickel may be within the good range on an initial hair test if it is hidden deep in the lungs or elsewhere.
  • Part of the ”cult diet” or rape diet pattern on a hair mineral test.  Women who experience rape may be told to drink rooibos tea every day to avoid another rape.
    This tea is sometimes called the “red tea” due to its color.  It contains enough nickel to be toxic.  It is also somewhat high in lead.  Rapists tell this to those they attack to permanently weaken and sicken the women.  Nickel may also reduce their will to live and to fight back.
    For details about rape, read Rape and Healing Rape.
    Any hair mineral analysis with a nickel level of 0.02 mg% or higher can indicate a person is drinking rooibos tea, unless they have another exposure such as working with steel or making jewelry.  Every cup of rooibos tea one drinks daily tends to raise the hair nickel by about 0.02 mg%.  Hair must not be washed at the laboratory for this association to occur.
  • An “amigo”.  Nickel is generally in the form of an amigo in the body.  This means it forms an oxide, and it has irritant qualities, and causes oxidant damage.  It can also raise the sodium/potassium ratio by an irritating mechanism.
  • Temporary high blood sugar and nickel removal.  To remove some nickel compounds from the body during a nutritional balancing program, the body may raise the blood sugar level very high for a few days to a few weeks.  The fasting blood sugar can rise as high as 300 or 350 mg.  This is frightening to doctors, and to the parents of children in whom it occurs.  However, in our experience, it is purely temporary and does not require medical intervention.  I do not know the mechanism by which it works.


A form of nickel found in certain foods is a “child” mineral.  This means that all children have some of it, and it helps cause attachment to one’s parents.  This is a defense mechanism to keep a child from straying or disobeying parents.  As one matures, one will eliminate this nickel compound.


Nickel is a very hard and durable metal.  It is used for plating other metals to cover and protect other metals, for this reason.  For example, less expensive jewelry, bathroom fixtures, and many other products are often nickel-plated or covered with nickel for protection.

Nickel is also a hardener.  Hydrogenated oils, which are hardened vegetable oils, are made by bubbling nickel carbonyl through the oil.  The chemical reaction hardens the oil to make products such as margarine, commercial peanut butter, and vegetable shortening.  Unfortunately, these products contain nickel.

Nickel also can be given a very shiny, smooth appearance.  It is used in costume jewelry as an inexpensive substitute for silver, for this reason.

Nickel is also associated with physical life on earth.  This is a philosophical, rather than a physiological or pathological quality of the metal.  Nickel, specifically, has to do with the structural aspect of physicality such as the bones, but even more so the lungs and the respiratory system of the physical body.