Replacement Therapy in the Science of Mineral Balancing

Replacement therapy assumes that the person is deficient in a particular nutrient/mineral. The assumption is that a deficient level must be corrected. This can be a dangerous assumption and potentially lethal. Another fallacy is that there is an assumption that heavy metals must be removed from the body, and there is no understanding that heavy metals are actually serving as a back up system because the primary nutritional beneficial minerals are not sufficient to protect the individual. Therefore, the heavy metals are acting as crutches to keep the person alive.

The Mineral Nutritional Balancing Program uses targeted foods, supplements, hair testing and specific detoxification protocols to help you feel better, look younger and be happier as you re-mineralize your body.

This information was taken from a health document by Colin and Loren Chatsworth called ENERGY: How it Affect Your Emotions, Your Level of Achievement, and Your Entire Personal Well-Being.  This entire document is over 400 pages long and in and interviewing Dr. Paul Eck, the father of mineral nutritional balancing.

Rosemary Slade, PLLC, OTR, NC is a practicing occupational therapist and nutritional consultant. She can be reached on this website.  This article is not in any manner, shape or form intended to be considered or construed as medical advice or providing a medical diagnosis. This article is for entertainment purposes only. Please see your medical doctor for medical diagnoses.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not to be considered a substitute for regular medical care OR a means of diagnosis, treatment, prescription, or cure for any disease or condition—mental or physical. Please call your doctor for medical care.

Rosemary Slade OTR, PLLC, NC.