Copper Toxicity Update #1 In My Personal Copper Toxicity Story

Balancing Out Copper
This is an update from my blog Feb. 2019 on hidden copper toxicity. Hidden heavy metals are challenging to remove. Copper is tricky, because it can be considered a heavy metal in the body if there are excess amounts. It can also be considered deficient if it is in excess amounts and yet unavailable to be used or “bio unavailable”. In Mineral-Nutritional Balancing, this is typically called “hidden” or “bio unavailable” copper. Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) with a properly performed and analyzed hair sample is an accurate way to pinpoint heavy metals and copper deficiencies or excess because it is readily apparent via analysis of a hair test.
I started the “free” program of Nutritional Balancing in March 2015. After success with the free program I had my first hair mineral test in October of that year. My initial test revealed hidden copper toxicity and plenty of heavy metals on board—lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, molybdenum and lithium. Some of these metals are vital for proper functioning of our body, and copper is one of them. Lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and aluminum are not at all necessary for any functioning in our body and considered toxic.
My journey has been about balancing my entire body chemistry and that includes balancing my copper. It has taken me five years, and I can finally say I had a major breakthrough as evidenced by the results of my most recent hair test. And interestingly enough, it really didn’t have that much to do with copper! Many symptoms I have had with copper deficiency or unavailability have shifted. I know I have been slowly releasing excess copper over the years, because the ring in my toilet turns an oxide of blue/green—which is what copper does as it gets a patina when it oxidizes. Also, for about a year, I had fairly consistent symptoms of “dumping” copper—intense stomach cramps followed by need to release my bowels.
What has significantly improved for me is the incessant need to get a sugar fix. What has not changed is that If I eat chocolate or anything with sugar I can rest assured I won’t want to stop. What HAS changed is that the mental and physical cravings and need for getting sugar at all costs has greatly decreased (at this writing 95%). That is not evident on my hair test when looking at my copper readings, nor is it evident when looking at my zinc/copper ratio. It is a positive sign of a removal of a long standing issue/challenge for me. Sugar cravings imply a candida load in the body. Candida is yeast. Sugar feeds yeast. Copper excess is tied to candida. Candida is tied to sugar cravings. It is all a vicious cycle.
Right now (Feb. 2020), I feel better than I have since I can remember—and that is a very long time. Take a peek at my data—it shows my copper history. Also look at my copper/zinc ratio, which is actually a better picture than looking at copper alone. 8 is ideal. I am at 12, which means I still have copper bio unavailability (or possibly deficiency). Either way you want to look at it my copper is still unbalanced.
Every other improvement has remained steady—I still sleep fairly well, constipation has improved. I still cannot speak to anxiety as I have never experienced that side effect of copper toxicity. I do know relieving anxiety is a big concern for a lot of people, especially women. Clients who participate in Mineral-Nutritional Balancing see improvement with anxiety.
It takes time to balance minerals and detox heavy metals. My copper is balancing out. My entire body chemistry is improving. I am getting healthy and I will stick with Mineral-Nutritional Balancing because there has been no other program that has worked for me. Beware of people who tell you can balance your copper or detox anything quickly. In my experience, it simply cannot be done. The human body is complex and it takes time to heal.
If you want to learn more about copper toxicity or imbalances, feel free to contact me for a free 15 minute consultation!
Rosemary Slade, PLLC, OTR, NC is a practicing occupational therapist and mineral-nutritional consultant. She can be reached on this website. This article is not in any manner, shape or form intended to be considered or construed as medical advice or providing a medical diagnosis. This article is for entertainment purposes only. Please see your medical doctor for medical diagnoses.