A Hill Pattern Is Cause For Celebration

This is a joy pattern. It is an openness to moving forward in one's life, a turning of the corner. it is a knowing, like standing on top of a mountain and seeing all within 360 degrees. This pattern is noted on a retest and only seen if you are following a properly designed mineral nutritional balancing program.


One of our favorite patterns on a properly calibrated and designed hair mineral chart is the hill.  It is a powerful indicator of healing at a deep level and greater joy.

hill pattern on a hair mineral test is present when the calcium/magnesium ratio is less than about 4.5, and the sodium/potassium ratio is above about 4.5.  The hair analysis must be done by a laboratory that does not wash the hair for accurate results.  It is a joy, celebration or completion pattern.

A visual pattern.  Visual patterns on hair mineral charts are a fascinating study.  In this case, the first four macromineral bar graphs on a hair chart, only from Analytical Research Labs, have the appearance of a hill or mountain. It is not so clear on a Trace Elements chart or others.

However, the visual effect may not be noticeable if any of the four macromineral levels are so elevated that they do not exceed the top of the hair mineral chart.  In this case, one must calculate the pattern based only on the calcium/magnesium and the sodium/potassium ratios.

A very yang pattern.  The hill pattern is one of the most yang patterns possible.  It is a fullness, which is a yang indicator that can appear at any time, even if a person is ill and has an underlying yin condition of the body.

Visually, it looks like a bulge or fullness (yang) and the acupuncture pulses feel full, as well.

A goal post pattern.  A hill pattern is a type of goal post pattern.  This is a visual pattern of two mineral levels that are high that are flanked on both sides by visually lower mineral readings.  The goal post pattern is an achievement pattern – like reaching the goal.

Types of hill patterns.  These are discussed at the end of this article and include a steep hill, a fast hill, a slow hill, a persistent hill, a long hill and a balanced hill.

History: The hill pattern is a newer pattern that was not part of Dr. Paul Eck’s original research.


It indicates:

  • turning a corner.
  • a knowing, like having a 360 degree view because you are standing on the top of a mountain and can look all around.
  • overcoming something.
  • a release from a bondage or situation.
  • reaching a peak or top of the hill.
  • a celebration or joy pattern.
  • openness to moving forward in one’s life.
  • a balanced hill indicates overcoming with understanding.

Like being at the top of a hill, one can now “spread one’s wings” and move in any direction rather easily.  As the saying goes, “it is all downhill from here”.  The pattern may also indicate less involvement in a karmic or difficult situation at this time, as if one is viewing the world from the top of a mountain rather than being deeply involved in the world at this time.


To help understand the hill pattern, consider its opposite, which is the bowl pattern.  Ways in which these patterns are opposites are:

  1. In the bowl pattern, the Na/K ratio is low, while the Ca/Mg ratio is elevated.  This is the exact reverse of the hill pattern.
  2. Visually, the patterns look exactly opposite one another.  The bowl looks like a U shape, while the hill looks like an inverted U.
  3. Psychologically and emotionally, the bowl indicates that a person feels stuck, constricted, confined, empty, lost or “deep in the mud”.

A hill pattern indicates an opposite situation.  It is a fullness.  One is more free, carefree and released from some kind of bondage.


The meaning of this pattern is based on observation of many cases.  However, it may be easier to understand by analyzing the two ratios that make up the pattern:

  1. A low calcium/magnesium ratio.  This is sometimes called the lifestyle ratio.  When the ratio is low, it often indicates a certain openness and lack of defensiveness.  A very low ratio can also indicate an issue having to do with one’s mother, such as holding on to anger toward one’s mother.  However, this is not true with the hill pattern.
  2. 2An elevated sodium/potassium ratio.  This can indicate acute stress, anger, or inflammation.  In this case, it seems to indicate a type of inflammation that is positive, forward-looking, and moving ahead strongly.

A high sodium/potassium ratio can also indicate a tendency for the oxidation rate to increase.  It can be called a directional indicator.  With a hill pattern, there is a tendency for an increase in the oxidation rate.

Combining these creates a situation in which a person is moving ahead, and is not held back by defensiveness or anything else.

Acupuncture equivalent.  Advanced acupuncture recognizes a very similar pattern, which is also called the hill because the pulses suggest this shape.  It is called the fullness or sometimes called overflowing yang or yang fullness.


A powerful joy pattern.  This is the most important aspect of a hill pattern.  Joy patterns mean that one is making progress in the mental/emotional/spiritual area.

The presence of joy patterns is more important than a worsening of some levels or ratios.

For this reason, we always look for hill patterns first or early on when interpreting a hair mineral chart.  If one does not do this, one is not interpreting the hair chart correctly and often becomes confused and thinks that things are worse, when this is not so.

A hill pattern is not associated with any particular physical symptoms.  Physical, emotional or other symptoms may still be present when this pattern appears.

A hill pattern may be accompanied by an improvement in physical health, but this may be subtle.

For this reason, one is often unaware of the pattern, although many people report more joy or happiness when this pattern is present.

A soul pattern.  A hill seems to be reflect changes at a deep level or soul level, rather than at the physical health level.


As an initial pattern.  A hill pattern is fairly common on an initial hair mineral test if the person is excited to begin a healing program.  This represents a celebration and feeling of reaching a goal of finding answers for their health and/or for development.

As a retest pattern.  Hill patterns appear fairly often during a healing program and represent overcoming some obstacle or difficulty.

Men and women.  Hill patterns occur at about the same rate in men and in women.

An adult pattern.  We observe most, if not all hill patterns in adults, not in children.  Most likely, this is because children are less able to work through and overcome negative situations to arrive at the hill or overcoming pattern.  The reason they are often less able to overcome is they are much less in control of their lives.

A child might show a hill pattern if his or her parents move away from a negative situation or in some other way overcome a negative situation.  However, even then, we don’t see hill patterns often in children.



This occurs when a hill pattern appears on the first four minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium), AND on the second four minerals (iron, copper, manganese and zinc).

The second four minerals have to do with a deeper level of functioning of a human being.

The double hill pattern is fairly rare.  However, when it appears on either an initial hair test or a retest, it indicates “excitement within and without”.  In other words, it is a deeper joy and celebration pattern than a single hill.

The client with a double hill may or may not be consciously aware of the joy and celebration energy that is present.  This is because sometimes many symptoms are still present, and the person can be focused on these instead of on the overall situation or improvement in one’s health.

The criteria for a hill on the second four minerals are:

  1. The iron/copper ratio less than about 0.5


  1. The manganese/zinc ratio greater than 0.003.


This pattern looks more like a mountain rather than a hill.  It is a more extreme hill pattern.  It requires a calcium/magnesium ratio of 3.5 or less and a sodium/potassium ratio of 15 or greater.

We believe the steepness of a hill pattern is an indication of the intensity of the feeling of joy or celebration.  A steeper hill pattern also may indicate more sympathetic dominance is present.


This is a hill-like pattern that spans the first 6 or more mineral levels.  The criteria for it are very different since the graphs of the first four minerals usually all rise progressively, while the next 2, 3, 4 or more mineral graphs decline.

A big rise is not a common pattern, but it occurs and indicates a type of global or overall joy.


This is an unusual variant in which, for example, the third through the tenth mineral on an ARL hair mineral chart are in the shape of a hill, but not the first and the second minerals (calcium and magnesium).

This indicates a joy pattern, but with a problem that is disturbing the hill pattern.


This is a retest pattern or progression pattern.  (A retest pattern means a pattern that only appears on a retest hair mineral analysis.  In this case, the persistent hill pattern requires two successive hair mineral tests to see the pattern.  A progression pattern means three or more successive hair tests are required to see the pattern).

A persistent hill somewhat uncommon, but it does occur.  It indicates an ongoing excitement, joy or celebration.  It is seen more in some families, for some reason.


Most of the time, when a person has a hill pattern, he or she also has a sympathetic dominant pattern such as an elevated sodium/potassium ratio with a three high pattern.

This is an interesting correlation that we believe mainly indicates that when one is in a hill pattern, one may feel like pretending one can increase the oxidation rate and push oneself to enjoy life more.


These are variants on the hill pattern.  A four high hill means that a four highs pattern is present, along with the hill.  This is an excellent combination pattern, like a very tall mountain, with lots of joy and celebration.

A four lows hill means a four lows pattern combined with a hill pattern.  Four lows is an exhaustion metabolic type.  The combination with a hill is unusual, and indicates excitement even though the person is in a four lows pattern.  We could say it is light appearing at the end of the tunnel of four lows.


This is a hill pattern AND the ratios indicate a balanced oxidation rate.  It is also an excellent combination pattern.  The best is called perfect balance.  For this, all four of the main ratios (Ca/K, Na/K, Ca/Mg and Na/Mg) must be 4.22.

A balanced pattern may offer some of the same benefits as when one has many Anchor patterns.


These are also called a fast hill (a hill with a fast oxidation rate) and a slow hill (a hill with slow oxidation rate).  Both types are seen on hair tests, although a slow hill is more common.

A fast hill may indicate a more exciting situation.  A slow oxidizer hill pattern, or a slow hill, may indicate a type of settling down into a joyous or celebration mode of life.


At times, one of the two ratios that define the pattern (Ca/Mg or Na/K) is very intense or abnormal, while the other is nearer to the ideal ratio.  We have not researched this variation in the hill pattern enough to give its meaning.


This is a rather unusual combination pattern.  It consists of a bowl pattern, with a hill pattern superimposed on top of the bowl.  It is actually fairly common.  However, it is difficult to see or visualize, so it is often missed.  It is hard to visualize because the hill and the bowl tend to cancel each other out, to one degree or another.

Its meaning is that the person is stuck and usually very deficient nutritionally.  However, the person is also excited and joyful at the same time.

This pattern can appear on a first hair test or more commonly, on a retest.

A hint or indicator of this pattern is that the calcium/magnesium ratio will be fairly normal, even though the person eats too many carbohydrates and therefore one would expect the calcium/magnesium ratio to be elevated.

I sometimes hear from consultants that hair testing is not accurate because the calcium/magnesium ratio is “too normal-looking”, given the client’s diet.  The presence of a bowl plus a hill pattern can explain some of these instances.


Definition of hilling.  On a retest hair analysis, the calcium/magnesium ratio is lower and the sodium/potassium ratio is higher.  However, a hill pattern is not yet present.  The direction of change of the ratios is what is important to define the pattern.

The opposite.  This pattern may be contrasted with bowling, which is its opposite.  In the bowling pattern, the calcium/magnesium ratio increases on a retest, while the sodium/potassium ratio decreases on the same retest.  It may indicate movement into a retracing situation, usually with less joy and less celebration and a more difficult health or mental/emotional situation.