Resources and Other Information

Congratulations to you for taking steps to better health and wellness. Sometimes implementing a program brings up a lot of emotions, roadblocks and reasons to not get started living a healthier life. Hopefully an article will inspire you. Oftentimes, implementing a new eating program and lifestyle with just with ourselves is filled with hurdles and doing this with children can be extremely challenging and rewarding at the same time. You will find interesting articles—primarily revolving around the many aspects and benefits of mineral-nutritional balancing and also of a general health and wellness standpoint.


Visit my YouTube channel to find videos on cold-laser therapy, mineral-nutritional balancing, and detoxing with near infrared light therapy.

Healthy Living

Suzanne Johnson describes how to create a near infrared sauna

Disclaimer: The information contained on this website is not to be considered a substitute for regular medical care OR a means of diagnosis, treatment, prescription, or cure for any disease or condition—mental or physical. Please call your doctor for medical care.

Rosemary Slade OTR, PLLC, NC.