Cadmium is Toxic and Found Everywhere

Cadmium is found in cigarette smoke, tap water, hydrogenated oils, shellfish, marijuana and cigarette papers. It is in our air in particles from our brake linings. It is among the most toxic of heavy metals and contributes to mental illness – especially violence and behavior disorders. Birth defects and developmental disorders are often related back…

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Are You Exhausted? You are Likely in Slow Oxidation

Slow oxidizers often are in adrenal fatigue and have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. This is an exhaustion state of stress. If you are overweight, you likely are in slow oxidization. Slow oxidizers are prone to osteoporosis, cancer, skin problems, obesiety and much more. A properly designed mineral nutritional balancing program will address these issues and resolve them over itme.

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