Posts Tagged ‘nutrition’
Calcium Shell is a Most Important Hair Analysis Pattern
If you are feeling numb, depressed, traumatized, out of body, in psychological withdrawl, you might have a calcium shell. It can be discovered with a properly performed Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and the program can correct this important common pattern.
Read MorePivots and Anchors are Reliable Indicators of Brain Improvement
On a retest, pivots and anchors have been shown to be reliable indicators of brain improvement. Both the physical aspects of the brain and also in functional areas of improvement such as improvements in language processing skills or improvements in visual or visual processing disorders. You will see these improvements by following a complete mineral nutritional balancing program.
Read MoreStep Up & Step Down Patterns – Death Spiral or Life Affirming?
Identifying a step-up pattern will help prevent fatal heart attacks and strokes that are the leading cause of death. Identifying a step down pattern shows a person who is overcoming all odds and moving ahead, in spite of obstacles. This can be remedied by following a complete mineral nutritional balancing program.
Read MoreA Reduction in Mineral Elimination Through the Hair is Armoring
On a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Retest, armoring is a worsening of one or more mineral levels to they fall into the poor eliminator ranges. It means the body is having difficulties eliminating sequestered toxic heavy metals and minerals.
Read MoreSuicidal Thoughts Can be Nickel Poisoning
Nickel is a toxic heavy metal and it mostly affects the brain and lungs. In the brain, nickel can lead to suicidal thoughts if the level is severe enough. Heart attacks, cancers, skin problems can also be attributed to high levels of nickel in the body. This can be remedied by following a complete mineral nutritional balancing program.
Read MoreCadmium is Toxic and Found Everywhere
Cadmium is found in cigarette smoke, tap water, hydrogenated oils, shellfish, marijuana and cigarette papers. It is in our air in particles from our brake linings. It is among the most toxic of heavy metals and contributes to mental illness – especially violence and behavior disorders. Birth defects and developmental disorders are often related back…
Read MoreKnow Your Poisons – Arsenic
Arsenic is a powerful nerve and enzyme poison, affecting the adrenal glands. It interferes with how our bodies regulate oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfer. It is a common toxic metal and found virtually everywhere. Chicken feed, pig products, rice, wome water, soils, herbs, shellfish and seafood to name but a few. This can be remedied by following a complete mineral nutritional balancing program.
Read MoreDid you Know that Lead Replaces Calcium in Your Body?
Lead is everywhere. In our food (wine, grapes and other fruits) in pesticides used on crops, in bone broth, in our water, in food supplements like fulvic acid, humic acid and some colloidal mineral products. Also, found in hair dyes, pomades, cigarette smoke, colored inks (yes, tattoo inks also), It causes anemia and blood disorders…
Read MoreAluminum, Brain Fog and the Dementia Epidemic
Aluminum is one of the easier heavy metals to remove if you follow a mineral nutritional balancing program. Usually you will see improvements in memory, brain fog, sluggishness and sluggish thinking and certain skin conditions also improve. This can be remedied by following a complete mineral nutritional balancing program.
Read MoreDoctors Can’t Solve Your Health Concerns? You Might be in Four Lows Pattern
A person who is intense, driven, hard working, have a difficult time relaxing, frustrated, negative and cynical at times is likely in a four lows pattern. This is unrecognized by the medical community and once solved and addressed following a mineral nutritional balancing program the person literally gains a new lease on life. One of…
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