Water, What Would we do Without it?

Water—Essential for Life
Did you know that the average adult human body is 50-65% water? And the percentage of water in infants is much higher, around 75-78% water, dropping to 65% by one year of age. Did you know that fatty tissue contains less water than lean muscle? Can we live without water? What about fluoride in the water? Are you aware that the skin is considered an organ and will absorb contaminants during a nice, hot shower?
My previous article was about getting you to think of an area where you might be up for making a change, and this article will detail thoughts on cleaning up your water supply.
If you are reading this article, congratulations! You are among the enlightened souls who are ready to move beyond settling for chemically laden water. I know one thing for sure—this world that we live in is one toxic stew pot—and our water supply is no exception.
Most people obtain their water from community sources—for example, the city of Houston, Texas. Most community sources big or small add a variety of chemicals and heavy metals to the water to purify it so you can drink it. Well water is also not without its challenges and I will address this in a separate blog. In public water supplies, it became popular some years ago to not only chlorinate our water in order to kill off bacteria, but to add fluoride to it because a very enterprising soul convinced the government that fluoride reduces tooth decay. Today, a laundry list of chemicals (think chlorine and fluoride), and heavy metals such as aluminum and copper are added to most public water supplies to “enhance” it and make it “safe” to consume.
There are some schools of thought that point to fluoride in the water leading to calcification of the pineal gland—the “third eye” located in the center of the brain. Fluoride ingested at certain levels is toxic to the human body. Per Dr. Connett in this Mercola.com article: “there are no less than 23 more studies from four different countries indicating that even moderate exposure to fluoride lowers IQ in children.”
Our government admits openly that the average citizen is consuming too much fluoride every day. There are also bodies of work pointing to a correlation of Aluminum to Alzheimer’s disease and developmental delays, the most tragic which is autism.
If you consume water from public sources, definitely consider obtaining a high quality water filter which removes fluoride and other contaminants from what you drink. Your body will thank you for this investment.
I have done extensive research into water filtration systems and bring my knowledge to you. Filtering water via reverse osmosis (RO) is a popular choice. The RO process removes beneficial minerals in the water, makes the water acidic and drinking that water long term tends to derange the delicate mineral balance the body. People believe that adding minerals back into the water will correct this issue. I encourage you to read this excellent article by Dr. L. Wilson about RO water and the hidden problems it can create.
I found an inexpensive, portable water filter that that stood out among all the rest. It will also remove an extensive amount of contaminants from the water, including fluoride. The name of the filter system is Berkey© water filter systems. It sits on your counter top and is gravity fed. Their filters remove harmful pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, and unhealthy chemical contaminants such as Chlorine to levels higher than 99.99%, while at the same time leaving in the essential minerals your body needs. They also distinguish themselves from many other filtration systems by having the capabilities to significantly reduce fluoride and arsenic via the "PF" line of filters. In my opinion, this is the most economical system in the long term. Plus, you can always take it with you when you move! (Which, by the way, I could not do with my expensive reverse osmosis system.)
But don’t let me sway you either way—do your own research. I hope to bring awareness to you that YOU can make a positive difference improving your overall health by taking this one step. Drink it, cook with it, and enjoy it. I love Big Berkey so much I am now an affiliate! If you decide to go with Big Berkey and my article helped you decide, please do consider clicking on this affiliate link. You will not be charged extra and I get a small commission.
Rosemary Slade, PLLC, OTR, NC is a practicing occupational therapist and mineral-nutritional balancing practitioner. She can be reached on this website. This article is not in any manner, shape or form intended to be considered or construed as medical advice or providing a medical diagnosis. This article is for entertainment purposes only. Please see your medical doctor for medical diagnoses.