My Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Path to Health & Wellness

Mineral-Nutritional Balancing—The Path Less Traveled
I discovered Mineral-Nutritional balancing when I was about 57 years old. I have been on a quest for at least the last 40 years to solve some long-standing chronic health issues relating to severe PMS, menstrual problems, sugar addiction and other addictions, hypothyroidism, high cholesterol issues and feeling most generally unwell all the time. The main driver for me, however, has always been hormonal related—with PMS and then pre-menopausal issues, then severe menopause issues. I thought that menopause couldn’t be worse than the other issues I had, but I stand corrected on that. Menopause had it's own set of challenges!
My Journey to Health & Wellness
In my quest, I have consulted with many healthcare professionals, including allopathic doctors. These were family doctors and gynecologists. The answer from them was (back in the 1970’s and early 1980’s) was that PMS did not exist and therefore, I had no problem. Mid 1980’s to about 2011 responses received from allopathic and functional medicine were: To go on birth control pills and then if that did not work, cut off my breasts with resulting breast augmentation surgery, and cut out my uterus (hysterectomy) to stop the pain (because my insurance would pay for it). One gynecologist did offer me some dietary advice with supplementation of evening primrose oil and vitamin E oil, and gave me a low-fat diet to try, which worked for a short time with a resumption of symptoms.
Over the years, I have visited many other professionals: chiropractic, traditional Chinese medicine (where I drank copious amounts of truly terrible tasting herbs), acupuncture, acupressure, naturopathy, iridology, Ayurveda medicine, functional medicine, massage, meditation, myofascial release. I have been given potions, special diets, vitamins, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, more specialized diets and nothing really worked. My symptoms would decrease mildly in severity and would come roaring back after about 2-3 months on any program recommended by professionals or that I tried myself by way of copious research on the internet. I tried pretty much every type of diet over the last 20 years, including low fat, low carb, vegetarian, vegan, and raw vegan. I went the probiotic route—consuming large amounts of fermented vegetables and kefir daily. I went the raw dairy route—consuming raw milk and cheese products along with my fermented vegetables. I consumed smoothies with chlorella and kale. Then I consumed lots of smoothies that had protein powders and fruit in them. I literally tried so very many diets, and nothing really was effective. I thought I was eating a healthy diet and living a clean lifestyle.
In 2015 I was guided to Dr. Wilson’s Nutritional Balancing/Development website during one of my Internet surfing expeditions. I found it extremely interesting. At that time, I was heavily invested in a multi-level marketing program that sold these really “special” extra fine vitamins and I had a whole pantry full of them. I was taking a lot of these vitamins and still feeling about the same—better but not fantastic. I did not have abundant energy. I could not go through my day without sugar picking me up. I was also on some other protein shakes from this company and I liked them because they were sweet and fed my sugar addiction. I was also doing liver/gallbladder cleanses quarterly, “detox” diets regularly and had a FAR infrared sauna I used daily. I studied Dr. Wilson’s site for about a year, all the while consuming my other supplements because I spent a ton of money on those supplements and did not want to toss them out. I thought I would read and research his work and then, after my trip overseas, begin the “free” program.
In late March 2015 I took the plunge and began the free program and subsequently graduated to a hair mineral analysis and the full program with the recommended supplements and other protocols. The detox procedures were easy for me. I already had a FAR infrared sauna and my husband easily converted it to a NEAR infrared sauna. I was familiar with reflexology and coffee enemas, so that was not difficult. Although it was slightly different, requiring cooked vegetables vs. raw vegetables, I was ok with doing this. I like to cook. As a matter of fact, right away I felt a difference eating the cooked veggies. They warmed up my body which was perpetually cold (a classic hypothyroid symptom) and tasted great. I was sad to give up eating nightshades i.e., tomatoes, potatoes and peppers because they made up a large part of my diet for over 50 years. I do miss eating potatoes and red peppers, but I do easily live without them. I also really did like eating pork products and was totally OK with giving that up. The lamb and chicken were easy to incorporate into my lifestyle.
I started feeling significantly better within a couple of months and found that the diet/eating plan wasn’t that difficult to do. What helped me psychologically do this program—and what keeps me doing this—is the realization that “less is more” and I am in this to heal my body at deep levels. To do this, I must rest my body and give it the love and nurturing it deserves. As I do this, my body/mind/spirit responds ever more positively and keeps me going. There were aspects of this program that I thought were weird and made no sense to me at the time. However, I just kept the faith and kept working the program. The mental clarity I continue to be receiving and the awareness just keeps getting better and better. Ideas and views I had no understanding of before are now clearer. I have a clearer understanding of my relationship with God and spirit.
What I discovered over time was that my cooking and shopping were greatly simplified. It wasn’t hard to decide what to eat, because it was figured out for me. I do have choices within the limits of the diet. My pantry staples were shifting around, and I wasn’t buying as many herbs and spices to flavor foods up. The food was plentiful and bountiful, simple and relatively easy to prepare. Although I live within 45 minutes of a major city, it was challenging for me to find decent organic vegetables at times. I am now OK with eating conventional vegetables when I cannot find organic.
At around my fifth month of the “free” program, I decided to take the plunge and get my first Hair Mineral Test. It revealed that I was in a special pattern called “Four Lows”. This pattern is also considered to be a separate metabolic type, and a serious pattern. While it is true that a person with four lows on the initial hair analysis can be a fast, mixed or slow metabolic type, Dr. Eck, the founder of Nutritional Balancing, believed that four lows is a separate metabolic type.
The Four Lows pattern:
“This is a chronic stress pattern. However, a person may live for years in this pattern. It is also called deep in the tunnel of death. This refers to the tunnel spoken of by those who have been through a near-death experience.
The criteria for four lows pattern are that the calcium level must be below 40% mg, the magnesium level must be below 6% mg, the sodium level must be below 25% mg and the potassium level must be below 10% mg. The hair must not be washed at the laboratory for accurate readings of these minerals.
a) The lower the calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium levels, the more severe the pattern.
b) If four lows pattern is combined with both a low sodium/potassium ratio and a low calcium/magnesium ratio, it is even more severe, although this is rare.
c) This pattern in young children is less important.
d) Four lows plus a sodium/potassium ratio less than 1 is called Very Ill pattern.
Interestingly enough, per Dr. L. Wilson, people in the Four Lows pattern are often quite difficult to treat by allopathic, naturopathic or other means and these people often go from doctor to doctor/practitioner without finding any relief. BINGO. That was me! Looking for help for years with no resolution.
I was in a “Low Four Lows” pattern, with my first four macro minerals very low. Also, I had 9 adrenal burnout indicators, 4 Trauma indicators, multiple poor eliminator and very poor eliminator patterns on heavy metals. In other words, I had plenty of heavy metals in my system and my body was too depleted to eliminate them, so they were stored in my body.
I worked the program and followed it as much as possible. I did, and still do, the detox protocols daily. I do the “Pushing Down Exercise” daily. Being in the health-care field as an occupational therapist, I really appreciate the science behind Nutritional balancing—the common-sense approach it has, and the working with the body, mind and spirit in concert as a whole system. This is in alignment with occupational therapy practice and how I treat the people I work with as well as myself. I was beyond excited when I saw that Nutritional balancing was addressing the body-mind-spirit triad.
Mineral-Nutritional Balancing has been a journey like no other. I love the program so much that I became one of Dr. Wilson’s practitioners/helpers and was with him as a helper until October 2021. I am independently practicing Mineral-Nutritional Balancing and helping others with this path as well when they are guided to me.
This is the only program that has helped me feel better and continue feeling better with each day. There are times when I am “retracing” or detoxing and extra rest is needed. As my health has improved, my awareness has greatly improved. I highly encourage you, if you are doing Mineral-Nutritional balancing, to incorporate meditation into your lifestyle, along with detox protocols. Meditation “upped” my game and helped me get better faster. Meditation also helped deprogram a lot of beliefs that were in fact not mine and helped improve my deductive reasoning abilities, and most of all, my awareness of what’s what.
The four lows pattern I was in was severe. For me, getting out of four lows has been one of the best things that ever happened to me. Who knows how long I was in this pattern? I have gone in and out of this pattern over the years, more out of the pattern this last year than in it. When I am out of four lows, I get more insight on myself as a person of who I was when I was in four lows. I have had so many emotional and insightful aha’s and shifts in who I am and why I am on this planet than I ever had NOT on mineral-nutritional balancing program. For me, mineral-nutritional balancing is a life path. I believe that the people who are doing mineral-nutritional balancing are all much better off physically, emotionally and spiritually, even if they are not doing it 100%.
I am not perfect, I am doing the best that I can on this program and gain insight and clarity about myself, the world, and my place in it every day. Because of this program, I have had some life-changing realizations—and acting on them has improved my emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. On the physical side, I recently went through a major retracing and now no longer have the chronic backache I had for 25 years. I spent a lot of money over the years on chiropractic, massage, myofascial release and home/self-care techniques. The bonus part is now I have experience in these modalities and do some of them myself as they helped me greatly over the years, but I never had a full releasing of the symptoms. I was happy if I was at a 2-3 pain level and usually lived with a 5-6 pain level on a scale of 1-10, 10 being severe.
It is my intention to add years to my life and high-quality life to my years. People who have not seen me for a while (months to years) always mention how great I look and see the vitality in my demeanor, the sparkle in my clear eyes, my glorious head of full-bodied hair, and my steady stamina. I have more energy than people half my age and I am 65 years old. I am grounded, and able to see how I act in situations that trigger me and able to recognize it and correct it almost as it is happening now. I owe it all to the mineral-nutritional balancing. I live my ordinary life exceptionally and look forward to each day as it unfolds. I am looking to even greater, deeper and wider healing and know it is possible with this program.
This path is not for everyone. If you will absolutely not consider eating a lot of cooked vegetables and certain animal protein foods, then in my opinion, you will not have any success with mineral-nutritional balancing. (My husband and I co-exist with this lifestyle. He does not eat vegetables or participate in mineral-nutritional balancing. He does support my choices and cooks for me frequently.) If, however, you are willing to roll with this program as it is designed—and do as much of it as you can do—you will more than likely experience healing at a deep level, feel better and be much happier. How does it get better than that?
There is no time like the present to begin this program. It truly is life-changing for the better in so many ways.
Rosemary Slade, PLLC, OTR, NC is a practicing occupational therapist and mineral-nutritional balancing practitioner. She can be reached on this website. This article is not in any manner, shape or form intended to be considered or construed as medical advice or providing a medical diagnosis. This article is for entertainment purposes only. Please see your medical doctor for medical diagnoses.